Follow us on Instagram: @_never_ending_summer_
Welcome to our blog(:
Here we will post quotes, memories, stories, and anything else we want(:
You can email us pics for our Instagram account or our photography page at [email protected].  Also include your Instagram username if you want credit!!

Remember: Summer never truly ends, only on the calender.
2/6/2013 11:16:13 am

well, we gave you guys a shoutout and now you have more followers that we have gained in the past two days. and thats really good for you guys, but kind of sucks for us. lol, but do you guys think you could give us a shoutout?

2/7/2013 06:23:49 am

Ya of course! Just tag us in the photo that you want me to use for your shoutout and we will post it within 48 hours!


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    We are two regular girls who love the beach and sun! Our Instagram account includes pictures that we love and treasure! Hope you enjoy our account and website! :)


    February 2013



Never Ending Summer